Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Hi everyone!

I am a useless blogger. Before Christmas I scuttled out into our freezing extension, where my husband's computer lives. My own computer lives upstairs in my office and I can't send emails or access the internet from it, so I generally use Mo's for that sort of stuff. Anyway, it's situated right next to the cat flap (which has lost its flap so is really just a hole in the wall, through which the arctic winds do blow). Teeth chattering, I dutifullywrote my Christmas greetings to anyone who can be bothered to read it and posted it. Or I thought I did. It must have been the cold. Anyway, when I checked yesterday there was no sign of it.

So. Instead, I'm wishing you all a Happy New Year. Especially to all the lovely kids, teachers and librarians I met last year - there were thousands of you and I loved you all. Thanks too to all the people who bought/borrowed my books.

News-wise, stuff is happening. Clover Twig got a couple of awards in America, which cheered me up no end. The follow-up - Clover Twig and the Perilous Path - is out in March, around about the same time that my World Book Day Pongwiffy story comes out. I've written three little plays for younger children which will be coming out in May in a series called Little Assemblies. I've just seen the art work which Korky Paul has done for our book Dodo Doo-doo, which comes out in the Autumn. It's lookin' goooood. I'm busy working on another book set in the world of Witchway Wood, but this one doesn't star Pongwiffy. It follows the adventures of some other characters that have appeared in the background in previous Pongwiffy books. It's supposed to be finished by March, but I think I may have a bit of trouble making that deadline. Ella (my big girl daughter) got knocked off her bike by a careless lorry driver and broke both her wrists and a finger, so I had to stop writing and be a nice mum to her for a month or so. She's getting better, though.

Our cat Heathcliff has holes in his fur where he's been licking a lot, so I guess it's off to the vet next week. I've been loving the snow and will be sad when it's all gone. Just before Christmas, a book came out called Alien Alby, and another one called Three Little Celebrations, again for little kids to put on in school.

I think that's it. I'm off to watch tele. Hope you all had a lovely holiday- speak to you again in a few weeks!



  1. Glad to hear there will be another book set in Witchway Wood, on my to buy list. I'll need good books for when I have children one day.
    Bought my last Pongwiffy online last week, should be arriving anytime now (we have a slow post office, so chances are it may arrive next month!) =)

  2. Congratulations for your Awards wining!
    I love your Pongwiffy series and the first Clover Twig book. I'm looking forward to those new books!

    I am Japanese. Could you please tell me how you pronounce your name?

  3. Ah. Dylan. What can I say - except - I love you! I'm miles behind with my blog- bloggery doesn't come natural to me - plus our hard drive exploded or something. But I'm up and running again, so no excuse - I'm getting on with it right now.

    But first - hi, Ohanashiya!Thank you so much for getting in touch. I'm thrilled to hear that you like Pongwiffy and Clover Twig - there is a new Clover book out now called Clover Twig and the Perilous Path. Hope you like it.

    My name is pronounced as it is spelt - You-man-skee.

    lots of love to both of you!

  4. Thank you very much!

    Now, I can say your name correctly to recommend your books to my friends!
